10 links have been added on 3 ideas about #natural.
  1. Not these “scientists”, we are temporary, God is eternal. I guess he will be busy with someone else when he’s done with us.

  2. Yeah, another piece of contradictory “wisdom” the authors of the Gospel found (borrowed/took/stole) from great minds before them. Though the did the simple bait and switch, from being about nature to being about god and man.

  3. The universe itself may be temporal and eternal. As discussed by those in this video and a few folks before that, I mean well before that.

    Added on 2 ideasView all 2 ideas this link was added to.
  4. Something tells me they meant supernature (god) not nature. OOpsie!

  5. What about this vegan leather made from waste mangoes. It reduces food wastage while offering a sustainable and cruelty-free fabric to the fashion industry. Amazing! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcieZYwyEiA

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  6. Lab-grown leather is the future of the fashion industry. It is natural (looks and feels like genuine leather), environmentally friendly, sustainable, and involves no animal cruelty whatsoever. Here is a video on the process. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbyXwUP7hdc

  7. So far there is no proof trees help mitigate global warming – he said it… not me…