6 links have been added on 2 ideas about #hiring.
  1. To be fair dealing with employees that have depression is a major worry for managers and employees. it does affect everyone involved. Hope some progress is made in the future, even if it is the private sector that pays to find out the causes and signs of symptoms to follow.

  2. Read this or context. It’s a growing concern.

  3. Depression is on the rise, it is illegal to fire anyone because they suffer from it. So there likely is a big incentive to identify people who may be inclined to be affected by it in the future. Sad but true.

  4. Good idea, should be half and half though, after all its a 2 way thing and you need to know as much about the organization as they need to know about you, in order to find the perfect match. Its not about them giving you an opportunity, its about you giving them part of your life.

  5. Reverse interviewing is a thing, but you need to be careful when doing one, here are some tips from an article on Linkedin. The biggest problem is where the interviewee only gets information directly from the company’s own litrature.