4 links have been added on 1 ideas about #gait-recognition.
  1. The idea is excellent, although it can be open to abuse by government agencies since it can be deployed without user consent. Check out this article on the Chinese government using it to spy on its citizens. https://apnews.com/article/bf75dd1c26c947b7826d270a16e2658a

  2. Cool idea. Gait recognition is less prone to errors and can’t be hacked. It is also less invasive than other biometrics such as fingerprinting, eye scanning, and facial recognition.

  3. The technology is promising, but you have to iron out a few issues, such as how to accurately record your gait and the effects of weight, health, and speed changes on the gait. Check out this article here https://www.scienceabc.com/eyeopeners/is-your-walk-as-unique-as-your-fingerprint.html