6 links have been added on 2 ideas about #gaia.
  1. If the earth is a single organism, why not the entire solar system or milkyway galaxy? or urr, sausage?

  2. If the Gaia Hypothesis were true, Earth would have weeded us out long ago. No, it is US who need to do the regulating.

    Added on 2 ideasView all 2 ideas this link was added to.
  3. We are only here discussing the idea of the Sun’s gender because it does so well at providing us the perfect environment for us to live and prosper. However, The solar genitals are not what matter, nor how (s)he identifies. Because regardless of its sexuality THE SUN WILL SPAWN OFFSPRING, and had parents – which is all that matters. Is he or she trans or gay or both? Or are we just doing the usual human thing of applying our ideas to the wrong things?

  4. Lol, thanks for spending our money wisely NASA “We’ve been working on this ever since Neil Armstrong found out the Moon was a boy back in ‘69” said Dr. Andrew Chapner of NASA’s Star Gender division. “And look, we know it’s not our business how the Sun identifies but we just have to know.”