7 links have been added on 2 ideas about #fireman.
  1. I don’t think there needs to be a symbol, let them take it. However, don’t pay them to make each other big meals and have ping-pong contests while everyone else is working for a living. Just say’n

  2. Lol, heres a link to some selfish git on Quora that wants to stop firemen from “stealing” pool water. FACEPALM.

  3. I like this idea better, just do it yourself. https://www.getawaytoday.com/travel-blog/create-your-own-super-hero-training-camp

  4. I like the idea of paramedic camps, not so much those that turn normal kids into cops though. Why? Same as the existing problem of recruiting cops, it attracts exactly the wrong type of person we need.