Greens would do better if, like Labour and the rest, they actually had a donations button on the front of their website – what are they thinking about, sending people to some action network site in order to collect donations. Daft
Green Party | Fighting for Climate Action. If not now, when?
The Green Party of England and Wales is leading the fight for climate action, a people's vote, and a fairer society for all. Join the movement to be part of the Green Wave to save our planet for our generation and the future.
If 2,500 people give £20 each we GREENS can lay the groundwork for change which will lead Britain to Build Back Better, with a Just Recovery that uplifts everyone, especially those marginalised by our systems. GIVE £20 for 2020 to help build a better and brighter future.
The coronavirus crisis has created new challenges, particularly on the question of financial resources, which are desperately needed to support our work through these difficult times. Please help us by making a donation to our special financial appeal.
Communists are only asking for 50 notes. Poor sods – don’t tick the box and hit donate without adding bank deets just to tease them. Meanie.
Greens would do better if, like Labour and the rest, they actually had a donations button on the front of their website – what are they thinking about, sending people to some action network site in order to collect donations. Daft
Greens also believe in the many not the few thing, always did.
the winners are…. Labour with the highest donation amount requested £1,200
For the many, not the few
(2 upvotes)From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs
(5 upvotes)Interesting, the international socialists are going with “Not Paid By The Billionaires”
Would be nice to know how many corp doners siphon funds to their parties in £500 batches to avoid detection. Here are the liberals donate page.
Labour do it in a page – the Tories have a whole subdomain dedicated to raising funds!/
Support the socialists if labour isn’t your bag
For the many, not the few
(2 upvotes)Labour Isn’t Working
(3 upvotes)If you don’t like Labour… Donate to the Socialists.