23 links have been added on 4 ideas about #darwin.
  1. read ‘Cosmological natural selection’

  2. The most full proposal for the mechanism of cosmological natural selection comes from physicist Lee Smolin. Here is the mind-blowing hypothesis that he first outlined in 1992 in his book The Life of the Cosmos.

  3. No evidence but good arguments. We do still need evidence right? What if that is a quantum factor too, Probably not testable.

    Added on 2 ideasView all 2 ideas this link was added to.
  4. Interesting. I found this video informative but it doesn’t really explain why cells had metabolisms long before they chanced on reproducing themselves. This may be revisited one day and lots of biologists find out they just believed the usual story, rather then used a physicists mindset to allow many possible explanations.

  5. This blog article is worth a read. though unstable doesn’t mean impossible.

  6. Oh wow, I heard of this but it was poopooed by my biology teacher at school. I think because he thought that if the chances are slim, why not add both slim chances together so there was only 1 problem to solve.

    Teachers are not always right, either are biologists, either was Dyson, but I would like to hear why this isn’t accepted as a possibility. Adding the link to this comment so it shows the video in the comments section. Thanks for reminding me about the idea/hypothesis.

  7. Reproduce, replicate, divide? Either way, making the cell came first, splitting it to make more, must have come later, obviously. Not sure what the problem is? Read this new research paper: https://www.nist.gov/news-events/news/2021/03/scientists-create-simple-synthetic-cell-grows-and-divides-normally

  8. Paley’s keystone claim was completely wrong. not sure why people still believe that “There cannot be design without a designer; contrivance, without a contriver; order, without choice; … means suitable to an end, and executing their office in accomplishing that end, without the end ever having been contemplated”

  9. Intelligent design, according to Its believers, is the same as Creationism – therefore, not an answer.

  10. We often get told we shouldn’t comment on the bible unless you have read it. Same goes with the new “Good book” 😉

  11. …tickles me when people say it’s only a “theory”. bad idea.

  12. Not just Dawkins and his crowd. Lots of people are working hard to reality the deluded. Or turning it to their advantage.

  13. Jury is still out on this idea. Hold your breath.