7 links have been added on 2 ideas about #cognition.
  1. ahh, no, they pay less tax if they earn less – time to fix this then lol. Needleman estimates that lead exposure has already cut in half the number of U.S. children who might have had superior IQs (125 or over) — some 2 million kids. We have only begun to recognize what that may cost the nation in reading disabilities, high-school dropout rates and future economic competitiveness.

  2. at least in the old days it only made the super-rich and powerful more stupid – with the correction built in – like a natural balence

  3. First round with each build I let my boy use the instructions as its a good way to learn – then he looks forward to the second build, without instructions as its a new challenge, better is that he gets to explore and “make it even better than lego does” usually with bigger guns or boosters 😉