13 links have been added on 5 ideas about #chemical.
  1. BUT…. The polymers of the future may not be made from monomers abundantly used today, but the polymers of the future may be degradable through a low energy process.

  2. It’ll be crazy when drug download sites get hacked and folk make and take poison that kills them. Who will get locked up for that, the site owner for not keeping the site secure or the idiot who ate something he printed from a hacked site. At least it would take him and his faulty DNA our of the gene pool.

  3. Don’t need BREAKING BAD with this BAD BOY. Great idea, coming soon to a town near you. Should have vending machines attached so you don’t have to fund or meet criminals just to get our generations’s version of a relaxing pint.

  4. Wow, personalized pills – just crank up the visuals, down a touch on the comedown and pile on the munchies. heh. lucky kids of the future, we had to risk it with body packed pooey dope and risky random acid tests. This article is about medicine but then mental health goes two ways, happy AND sad. Chillout.