14 links have been added on 4 ideas about #celebrities.
  1. Their estate could claim royalties and keep their brand alive. Plenty of deadies still want the publicity it seems https://www.ranker.com/list/famous-celebrity-ghosts/rebecca-shortall

  2. …in hologram and 3d please…

  3. This is the game referred to in the idea. A version with worldwide celebs would be cool, dead or alive.

  4. Feedly should allow you to customise your news, with negative keywords, you know, all news except celebrity, xfactor, royal, trump etc. If anyone knows a news app that lets you customise stories, add the link, I need it before I give up on the world completely.

  5. This app lets you take a pic and it tells you where you can buy it. So could be incorporated with pictofit or something so you upload a pic of a celeb and it shows how it would look on you AND where to buy it. Could be a money spinner for someone who develops it.

  6. Pictofit would be the best app to have this feature.

  7. They have a fair bit of catching up to do, to be fair. Pop stars may be better at distributing wealth than politicians. But yeah, a site that lets them bid highest to be at the top would serve their egos and publicity requirements all in one go. Does a site like this already exist?

  8. Would be great to filter this crap out of news websites and social, but here’s your problem… “51% of people from their sample accessed the news through social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, and are more interested in the ‘soft news’ stories.”