19 links have been added on 6 ideas about #cancer.
  1. In addition to excessive healthcare costs, cigarettes also kill millions each year. Let’s ban them completely!

  2. A few years back, Brazil sued cigarette companies to make them pay for smoking-associated public healthcare costs.

  3. The U.S. industry pays billions of dollars annually in healthcare costs. Other countries should follow suit!

  4. This smart bra by a Nigerian entreprenuer can detect cancer and track your location in case of an emergency.

  5. Check out this article on the health benefits of weight loss! https://www.nutrition.org.uk/health-conditions/overweight-obesity-and-weight-loss/healthy-weight-loss/

  6. The link between overweight/obesity and cancer is only prevalent in adults. However, children who struggle with weight issues are likely to continue doing so even as adults!

  7. READ THE PAPERS ON IT – “In spite of potential benefits of new technology, sometimes people confront various challenges such as social isolation, unusual anxiety, and disorder in physiological times of body, low physical activities, decrease academic performance, increase aggressive behavior, and physical pain. These problems can be partly overcome by proper planning, good design, and usage of suitable and continuous monitoring.”

  8. I take this with a pinch of salt. Just being alive and eating food can help fight diseases. Many of the articles about it, like this, don’t seem to show conclusive results – though that won’t stop business people from making useless products with the aim of selling to the hopeful.

  9. They work for brains, not so sure about fighting cells that want to destroy you. nice idea but…

  10. Nice idea but don’t believe everything you read. Check this article out. we’re fighting an information war at present.

  11. This would be great but they don’t even know which “normal” foods are good or bad for preventing the different types of cancer. https://www.roswellpark.org/article/foods-help-fight-cancer-focus-esophageal-cancer

  12. Top of the global list ..”distributed more than 1.3 billion US dollars for research, innovation, treatment, education and humanitarian and social purposes.” BUT “have a net worth of $59.89 billion”

  13. Wow Church Commissioners are milking it in the states – in the top 6 atm, funny old world. Cheers America!