15 links have been added on 4 ideas about #blackholes.
  1. Don’t believe the dictionary or any POP SCI GUY who don’t get what it is. Entropy is a measure of the amount of hidden or missing information contained in a system, not a measure of the amount of available or unavailable energy.

  2. read ‘Cosmological natural selection’

  3. The most full proposal for the mechanism of cosmological natural selection comes from physicist Lee Smolin. Here is the mind-blowing hypothesis that he first outlined in 1992 in his book The Life of the Cosmos.

  4. No evidence but good arguments. We do still need evidence right? What if that is a quantum factor too, Probably not testable.

    Added on 2 ideasView all 2 ideas this link was added to.
  5. Nature is nature, math is just a model. Neither relies on the other. No reason to assume they should match up. Divide by zero if you want, it isn’t forbidden in nature, just man-made math.

  6. Miss Entropic

    Read about singularity sheets here (just don’t lose any sleep over them – heh) https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-24493-y?proof=t%C2%A0

  7. Mickey

    interesting idea but not a thing, according to Akademe Foundation., worth a read though, the mind boggles.