10 links have been added on 3 ideas about #ban.
  1. The sugar industry supports millions of people worldwide, so banning it is not an option. Instead, people should learn to keep their cravings in check!

  2. We can start by banning aggressive advertising of sugary foods and beverages like Singapore did.

  3. Junk foods with high sugar content should be the first on the list of items to be banned!

  4. Banning social media doesn’t solve the underlying issues. Plus, people can still get around these bans using fake identities and VPNs

  5. Social media has become so out of control that top democracies worldwide are banning it. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/mar/28/techscape-france-tiktok-ban-facebook

  6. We could ban people from using social media, but that seems to be a move that is preferred by dictators around the world.

  7. True. Cut flowers are one of the top pollutants in the environment. The flower industry also uses vast amounts of water, not to mention its massive carbon emissions.