Charity donation conflict app
It identifies if you donated to both an Israeli and Palestinian charity or say an anti-vivisection animal cruelty AND cancer research without realising you are fighting your own goals and getting neither cause anywhere.
I get the point of this idea but surely there would be no objection to giving to children’s charities. Which are btw more important than animals and plants – REMEMBER.
Charity donation conflict app
(5 upvotes)Force all charities to go back to accepting one off cash donations
(6 upvotes)Trade embargos with countries that have homeless children
(7 upvotes)Charity wishing wells in shopping malls
(7 upvotes)Greenpeace charity shops
(20 upvotes)Don’t understand. Nobody would oppose feeding children that need help. Give to feed the children.
Never thought of this, I guess Cancer research is pretty bad for animals and I love those too. Thought-provoking to say the least even if it’s not likely anyone will make the app.
Givetide should do this, though not sure how they would spot which charities you shouldn’t give to if you already give to one regularly. Nice idea but difficult to implement I guess.
There should be a site or fb group that lists all charities and lets people list opposing charities. The political ones aren’t even real charities but it would be good to know where your money is really going to and for others to “suggest” conflicts.
Most charities don’t have “opposing” charities. There is never a reason not to give to those less fortunate than yourself. Christian or not. Give to Oxfam they do great work and can be trusted always.
Cancer Fund of America only gives 2.5% of its donations to support the families of cancer victims and fund cancer research. There should also be an app that stops you from donating to “Charities” that are run by crooks.
Why do Starbucks give money to trans-rights groups? Children are starving in countries they get their resources. Deforestation, disease, poverty, don’t they matter anymore? Not against anyone’s rights by the way but get a grip on what matters most.
I like this idea, who knows if I am sending money to 2 different causes that are pulling in different directions. Anyways, I thought this was interesting. Republicans give more, and not because they make more.