6 links have been added on 2 ideas about #tour.
  1. Check out this company researching flights into space using ballons https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/13/space-tourism-firms-plan-to-use-balloons-to-go-to-space-in-2024.html

  2. You can get a ride to the edge of space in a hot air balloon. However, it comes at one hefty price tag

  3. This exists, and this looks like a good one – though its only for the official museum owners to use, that’s silly, why can’t anyone make their own tour of places they visit?

  4. Great idea, Brighton Pavillion has an audio tour, they should put it online and in apps, so people can listen without visiting, it would serve as a great ad and encourage people to visit the only Palace no longer owned by the crown.