19 links have been added on 7 ideas about #thought.
  1. Both – obviously or we wouldn’t be having this debate over the simplest of ideas.

  2. People will laugh, that’s fine – but groupthink laughter is a dangerous thing according to Jim Caroll.

  3. Interesting idea. I found the article this made me think of… “Stephen Hawking declared philosophy “dead”. Richard Dawkins styles himself a philosopher of religion despite an almost complete disregard for the field itself as if his status as a scientist confers on him a superior knowledge. Whether these opinions represent the majority, the problem is real. Scientists need to know why they need philosophy”

  4. Hard to argue with this. But I don’t think God or some alien had to think something like a Universe up in order for it to exist. One thing is for sure though, all things AND ideas will perish, leaving no-thing and no-idea.

  5. Like the idea but some things were just things before anyone thought of them, such as planets and atoms. Other things may not have been real things, but they are universal ideas that seem to exist independently of our cultures and social norms…

    “there are the ideas that do not distinguish themselves by what can be seen or heard, but by what can be felt. Their names are truth, justice, faith, hope, love, they do not seek to be known but to be felt.”

  6. Ironically, “Lego’s 1,500 stock keeping units (SKUs) were for products it no longer made. The company dealt with an astonishing 11,000 sup­­pliers—almost twice as many as Boe­­ing uses to build airplanes.” Looks like they didn’t learn too much from this insight a while back though. Go figure…

  7. Sterling advice here: https://www.wikihow.com/Raise-Children-Who-Think-for-Themselves

  8. Coming soon – Researchers have invented a mind-reading system that, for the first time in history, allows any person to type words and phrases letter by letter, just by thinking. It all occurs in real time, without moving a single muscle or uttering a single word. This is an amazing invention. Not only it will help anyone with serious motor disabilities, but it could potentially affect all of us in an amazing way