6 links have been added on 2 ideas about #test.
  1. Some Australian medical researchers have invented an autism detection tool, which can test kids from early as 12 months. Check it out https://www.dw.com/en/early-screening-tool-detects-autism-at-12-24-months/a-61101283

  2. Early detection and intervention can provide long-term positive impacts on kids on the ASD spectrum. Check out this research article on the subject. https://www.elemy.com/studio/autism-symptoms/how-early-to-detect

  3. There are some tests that use MRI and blood screen, but they are not always accurate. Most doctors usually use observation for diagnosis, and they like to wait until kids are a bit older.

  4. Can’t believe schools don’t test for this already. People need to know if their child is gifted. More discussion here https://forums.abrsm.org/?showtopic=22672#:~:text=If%20a%20child%20learns%20music,referring%20to%20any%20other%20tone.

    “If a child learns music faster than others, then he/she may have perfect pitch. It means he/she can recognise the tones correctly and immediately, like when he/she sees a number or colour. He/she may even be able to sing any tone (e.g. F# in 2nd octave) immediately without referring to any other tone.”