4 links have been added on 2 ideas about #telly.
  1. Noisy kids, noisy TVs? Weirdly this article misses the spot completely as Sarah and Duck is one of the quietest programmes on the BBC. Sure, American sensationalist, adventure romps are action-packed and loud. Doesn’t have to be tht way though.

  2. More problematic is the loud audio from background music which drowns out the sound of the dialog. Kids voices compete with that and everything gets louder and louder in an audiological arms race. Here’s some possible solutions in the answers on Quora.

  3. Would love this. I could watch auditions all day long if it was with famous actors rather than wannabees or the general public. You could even end the series by actually making one of the movies. Why not aution the directors and visual effects guys. Could start with voice only roles for animations, to test to see if it is viable. Someone do it!