CC on December 8, 2023 at 11:59 pm Idea: Space-based radar systemsLink: How about using space radars to monitor climate change? announces its first weather measurements from space-based radar - Link: Joining the likes of NASA, weather intelligence company said Thursday its radar satellites have the unique ability to monitor precipitation intensity from space.
Why Are You Reading My Name on December 8, 2023 at 10:43 pm Idea: Space-based radar systemsLink: Deep space radar systems could save Earth from asteroid strikes. New Space Radar Will Hunt Planet-Threatening Asteroids Link: https://www.scientificamerican.c The new ngRADAR at the Green Bank Telescope offers unprecedented Earth-based views of the solar system
MeterMan on December 8, 2023 at 9:13 pm Idea: Space-based radar systemsLink: Space-based radars can be vital for defending against long-range ballistic missiles, especially with the ever-increasing threat of nuclear warfare. U.S. Space Force chooses InDyne to maintain and upgrade early warning radar for ballistic missile defense Link: PARCS is a large radar that provides ballistic missile warning and attack assessment, as well as space surveillance data to U.S. combatant commanders.
Blinko on December 8, 2023 at 7:39 pm Idea: Space-based radar systemsLink: Space-based radar systems can offer more accurate tracking of moving military targets. Umbra selected to demonstrate space-based radar to track moving targets Link: Umbra selected to demonstrate space-based radar to track moving targets
How about using space radars to monitor climate change?
Deep space radar systems could save Earth from asteroid strikes.
Space-based radars can be vital for defending against long-range ballistic missiles, especially with the ever-increasing threat of nuclear warfare.
Space-based radar systems can offer more accurate tracking of moving military targets.