4 links have been added on 1 ideas about #signals.
  1. …”Short honk plus medium honk: Your maneuver was unwise, and I am carrying a grudge. Two short honks and a long blast: Your maneuver was unwise, and all that keeps me from exacting revenge is the prison sentence of 25 years to life. Three long blasts: The prison sentence will be worth it. -*- At a traffic light” but the link is broken for me, wish I knew what it said tbh as honking is an interesting way we use to communicate, like whistling.

  2. Best to do this virally rather than try to get anyone to change the laws. Anyways, Indians and the like wouldn’t adhere to it, they honk just to announce they are on the road and can’t get it together to agree on which side of the road to drive on. Like the idea though.