9 links have been added on 3 ideas about #rockets.
  1. Apparently the UK doesn’t mix space up with military commerce enough already.

  2. Had to Google that but found a great video – so true. the idea is to use your brains for good not evil – even if disguised as “defence”. Highly recommend this clip about those who saw it first, likely influencing Einstein and those involved with the bomb.

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  3. The SuperDraco engine that provides launch escape system and propulsive-landing thrust for the Dragon V2 passenger-carrying space capsule is fully printed, and was the first fully printed rocket engine.

  4. RocketLab’s Rutherford rocket engine was first tested in late 2016, and since then, over 200 of the game-changing models have been produced. Their combustion chambers, injectors, pumps, and main propellant valves are all 3D printed using electron-beam melting.

  5. not sure if moonspike are still attracting crowdfunds for this, but it looked like it was going to happen at one point.