26 links have been added on 7 ideas about #progress.
  1. You can still buy them 100,000 years later!

  2. People will laugh, that’s fine – but groupthink laughter is a dangerous thing according to Jim Caroll.

  3. You can never have too many ideas – can you?

  4. Wrong – “It doesn’t sound like the kind of thing Shaw would say although he did like mind games,” Jay Tunney, author of “The Prizefighter and the Playwright: Gene Tunney and Bernard Shaw,” said in an email to the Daily Caller News Foundation. “In fact he was highly analytical. But this doesn’t feel like him.

    The website Quote Investigator traced the expression back to a 1917 magazine advertisement, though variations may have appeared earlier. In this early version, the word “dollar” was used instead of “apple.”

  5. I agree with your comment but noted that it’s also odd how sustainability, when mentioned in the same context as space, now refers to moving the crap we spread around the earth over the last 100 years, rather than sustainability of the planet and people themselves. Funny old, knackered world.

  6. Why improve people’s lives when you can instead be a captain of industry and hero of the galaxy?

  7. Why didn’t any of the rich-list save anyone else? The problem isn’t just with ego, but with another sin, gluttony.

  8. Even if they haven’t yet aligned, they sure are coming together nicely in time. Reading this from a while back, the planet won’t mind us leaving it, if we help heal the zounds we inflicted.

  9. Ironic that our appetite for more/better communications (via satellites) paid for the early space economy. And that the internet and communications are what we give poorer countries, instead of food. Now they know why their kids are dying in pollution and disease at least.

  10. Imagine a world where you couldn’t ridicule ideas. That wouldn’t work at all. Especially conspiricy theories. These people need to know their opinions are based on false knowledge, and ridicule seems to work quite well. For more, read the link.

  11. Adding this link as it says it all really.

    Added on 2 ideasView all 2 ideas this link was added to.
  12. The irony! Some of these guys want to expel Trump after impeachment. Where the hell to? You created him, you keep him.

  13. RudeJude

    Too little too late. Everyone is still laughing at America, they deserved that trashing, the rest of the world didn’t. You won’t be able to bring back the people he killed with Covid, which was quite a record other despots would be proud of! Come on kids, forget what daddy taught you, he is thick as shit too.

  14. 8-BIT BOBBY

    It’s a thing already, bit late though. Not like the US hasn’t been trashed by gangs, organised crime and corruption, since we made the damned country for them and watched them trash it. Anyways, this is what the official site says…

    “Fix the System partners are currently pressing Congress to fund safe, fair and secure elections, supporting access to early voting and absentee voting options in the wake of the pandemic, galvanizing the business community for democracy reform, and fighting to end gerrymandering to lay the groundwork for a healthy political system.”

  15. From Heathrow to Fiumicino Airport in Rome – a little over 30 days – rather than 3 hours – people have it good nowadays, partly due to the hard work these facists gits put in.