Miss Entropic on February 4, 2024 at 12:00 am Idea: Pest-detecting robotsLink: https://grist.org/food/self-driving-tracto... The potential application of robots in agriculture is limitless! Self-driving tractors, robot apple pickers: Witness the high-tech future of farming Link: https://grist.org/food/self-driv Old McDonald had an... autonomous tractor?
green fingers on February 3, 2024 at 10:44 pm Idea: Pest-detecting robotsLink: https://english.radio.cz/killer-robots-cze... Robots can also help with more efficient application of pesticides, leading to more sustainable farming. Killer robots: Czechs working on AI prototype to wipe out pests with less insecticide Link: https://english.radio.cz/killer- Scientists in Brno have developed a “green” prototype robot that identifies insects harmful to agricultural crops and spays just enough of the right chemical to kill them.
Ashena Smith on February 3, 2024 at 8:55 pm Idea: Pest-detecting robotsLink: https://www.azorobotics.com/News.aspx?news... Besides robots, farmers are also using drones to fight pests and diseases. Pest Control with Drones and Deep Learning Link: https://www.azorobotics.com/News The adoption of control techniques that can be customized to particular local conditions begins with the early discovery of pest infestation.
Mr N on February 3, 2024 at 7:28 pm Idea: Pest-detecting robotsLink: https://www.freethink.com/robots-ai/spotte... Check out this AI-powered robotic arm that can detect and fight pests in gardens. https://www.freethink.com/robots-ai/spotted-lanternfly-robot Farmers can fight invasive insects with AI and a robotic arm Link: https://www.freethink.com/robots As the invasive spotted lanternfly threatens to expand its range, Carnegie Mellon researchers are developing a robot to fight back.
Jimbo on February 3, 2024 at 5:13 pm Idea: Pest-detecting robotsLink: https://www.businessinsider.com/farmers-ar... AI and robotics are the future of agriculture; they can make pest and disease detection much easier. Farmers are using AI to spot pests and catch diseases — and many believe it’s the future of agriculture Link: https://www.businessinsider.com/ Artificial intelligence allows farmers to increase yields by spotting pests and diseases early — and has led to a new wave of indoor growing startups.
The potential application of robots in agriculture is limitless!
Robots can also help with more efficient application of pesticides, leading to more sustainable farming.
Besides robots, farmers are also using drones to fight pests and diseases.
Check out this AI-powered robotic arm that can detect and fight pests in gardens.
AI and robotics are the future of agriculture; they can make pest and disease detection much easier.