9 links have been added on 3 ideas about #hasslefreelife.
  1. Check out this company here that is manufacturing sunlight resistant glass https://innovationorigins.com/en/sun-blocking-windows-that-drastically-reduce-energy-consumption/

  2. The motorized window coverings are not exactly built-in, but they can also do a cool job of keeping your house cool during hot weather. Check them out https://motionblinds.com/blog/how-motorized-window-coverings-can-keep-your-home-cool/

  3. Windows with sun-blocking technology can help keep buildings in extremely hot areas cool, thus saving a lot of money on cooling costs.

  4. Check out his pillow designed to promote hair growth. It strategically supports the neck and the head without compressing the hair, thus preventing breakage. https://www.lifestylepillows.com/products/hair-pillow

  5. Hair loss is a major problem for most people and using the wrong pillow, or rather pillowcase is one of the major causes of hair falling off.

  6. Looks like another potential application for LiquiGlide

    Added on 11 ideasView all 11 ideas this link was added to.
  7. Self-cleaning window glass is the future. It uses sunlight to clean itself, thus conserving water and reducing pollution by detergents. It also saves on time and labour costs.