5 links have been added on 2 ideas about #hairgrowth.
  1. Check out his pillow designed to promote hair growth. It strategically supports the neck and the head without compressing the hair, thus preventing breakage. https://www.lifestylepillows.com/products/hair-pillow

  2. Hair loss is a major problem for most people and using the wrong pillow, or rather pillowcase is one of the major causes of hair falling off.

  3. Here is another wearable laser hair growth device on Amazon. It looks like a baseball cap so you can even wear it outdoors without looking weird.

  4. Laser technology is an effective treatment for hair loss. It uses light energy to stimulate the growth of hair. Check out this article here on the procedure https://www.healthline.com/health/laser-treatment-for-hair-loss#does-it-work