15 links to products have been added on 15 ideas about #family.
  1. Here is another social drinking app. It is a cool way to catch up with friends or get chatting to strangers in the club. https://apps.apple.com/gm/app/clinx/id1530228098

  2. You can actually still get your hands on coal. It’s just a bit posh though since Thatcher.

  3. You can get them on Etsy, but no you can’t name which book you want. maybe if they let you upload a pic of a book cover and the name you want on it, or even let you change the title a bit? would be a great idea for an existing manufacturer who do pillow printing already.

  4. I’m not deaf but we got the vibrating one as we work from home in an office – it seems to work every time.

  5. Wouldn’t take much to adapt the lie detectors you can get on amazon, but yeah. just for fun, not life decisions.

  6. Got these, the kind of work.