9 links have been added on 3 ideas about #entrepreneur.
  1. I cite this article, stands to reason. Keep as much random chance in there as possible – before the inevitable predictability sets in: https://www.inc.com/jeff-haden/how-flipping-a-coin-can-actually-help-you-make-smarter-decisions-backed-by-science.html

  2. hmm, bad idea. The idea is to use your judgement to make good decisions, rather than leave them to chance. If every dispute was decided on the flip of a coin the business wouldn’t take off.

  3. Not sure if anyone has devised a test for the 9 main types of intelligence yet, but someone should have a go. They are…

    Naturalist (nature smart)

    Musical (sound smart)

    Mathematical (number/reasoning smart)

    Existential (life smart)

    Interpersonal (people smart)

    Bodily-kinesthetic (body smart)

    Linguistic (word smart)

    Intrapersonal (self smart)

    Visual-Spatial (picture smart)

  4. agreed. and that IQ is overrated. IQ should be ditched unless they create a similar test for all the other types of intelligence people have. As expressed in Jeanne Anne Craig’s book, I can recommend.

  5. Best way to get started is to create a business before you leave school. Lots of business minded families make sure their children know this is an option. I think the effort would be wasted on many children who would be better off learning how to read and write better before anything else. May be wrong though.

  6. There are summer schools you can send your kids to- here’s a link – because you are not likely to get that type of information in a state school in the UK. Nice idea though, I wish they did it, I am a business owner and my kids get educated how to be subordinate workers for others. shame.