11 links have been added on 3 ideas about #dentist.
  1. Purple toothpaste can offer instant white teeth, but it might be bad for your dental hygiene.

  2. You can buy the purple toothpaste on Amazon!

  3. Check this out! There’s a purple toothpaste you can use to conceal your stain, giving you a bright smile.

  4. Mouthdriller should be a film. It’s a very rational fear. Reat this https://willowcreekdds.com/cant-stand-the-dental-drilling-sound-the-best-ways-to-deal-with-anxiety-at-the-dentist/

  5. Hmm, on the whole a good idea, especially as some scammer dentists get away with lots of needed treatment. “The most frequent dental scams are inflating claims, delivering worthless treatment that patients don’t need and billing insurers for phantom treatment that the dentist never delivered,” he says. “Added up, these cons can mean big dollars for a dentist’s bank account.”