7 links have been added on 2 ideas about #customer.
  1. Cisco’s music is a bit of a “thing”, but they are thinking of changing it…

  2. would be good if some geek worked out how to scrape this site and sort it out per location and crime. Would be good to see the competition round here, heh.

  3. The UK Labour Govt were going to do this, just add your postcode and see all the records of your local rogues, toerags, scroats and villians, what happened to it? if they made it, add the link, thanks

  4. Not sure how they came up with these “facts”, marketers make stuff up right?

    Jazz is relaxing
    Rap fights depression
    Metal increases your sense of identity
    Country music makes you happy
    Classical relaxes and can even lower crime rates

  5. Aint been a customer of Virgin Media for 8 years now, but man, that rubbish looped tune is still ringing round my head. Dick Brand by name Dick Brand by nature.

  6. Need something like this, but that lists the scammer rather than their websites https://scamavenger.com/a-list-of-scam-websites