12 links have been added on 4 ideas about #cremation.
  1. Never thought of this, but on alibaba they still cost over 300 just for the liner (urr bodybag)

  2. One of the many ways video conferencing and online meetings has made life a bit more bearable during Covid times.

  3. Good idea in these difficult times. These guys are discussing using Zoom, which seems a good option. There should be a specialised software that lets you get more of a feeling of the crematorium and grounds though.

  4. Save 5 grand and help humanity in one go – someone needs to tell the world about this for sure.

    Added on 2 ideasView all 2 ideas this link was added to.
  5. Donate your entire body and you can already get free cremation. I guess it would be cheeky to charge you to get rid of the bits they don’t want.

  6. Hmm. you’re 75% water so a small box would do, if you insist on taking a piece of the world from everyone else, forever – no need to reydrate.