12 links have been added on 5 ideas about #carbon-footprint.
  1. These futuristic-looking tires use moss to convert carbon to oxygen as you are driving.

  2. I am in complete support of this! A footprint label can bring to light companies that use unethical practices in their manufacturing processes.

  3. This is exactly what eco-conscious consumers need to make informed decisions.

  4. Using LGP as fuel sounds incredible and has several benefits over petrol and diesel fuels. The gas is cheaper, the engines run silent, and the gas emits less CO2 into the air. Check out this article on the benefits of autogas. https://www.begasmotor.com/what-is-lpg-autogas-what-advantages-does-it-have-frequent-questions/

  5. Good idea for an app, don’t hold your breath though it would take AI to calculate the real impact of each purchase.