13 links have been added on 5 ideas about #brands.
  1. There are a few apps that recongise logos, we just need someone to add the functionality that cross-refferences it with big brand social profiles and then name and shame them online with pics of their product polluting.

  2. Wow, didn’t realise you could do this with an app – yes, would be a good use of the technology to make poluting product manufactures think

  3. someone should deffo do this, the options are endless, needs a good recognisable logo though

  4. There’s this… but yeah, forcing them to have their ID printed microscopically in the plastic would be better I guess

  5. Its the usual suspects, no need for logo or id in their plastic.

    Mondelez International
    Procter & Gamble
    Perfetti van Melle
    Mars Incorporated

  6. No matter how well-educated consumers are and how many garbage bins are put in public spaces, there are always plastic polluters, indifferent people that keep on throwing plastic in the streets. Therefore, much plastic waste could be prevented by making producers responsible for the waste phase of their products.

  7. Lol, I ticked all 10 boxes, I guess I am a winner at something then!