4 links have been added on 1 ideas about #bio.
  1. Several cultures have been doing this for ages. For example, Muslims don’t cremate or bury their loved ones in coffins. Instead, they wash the body, wrap it in a cloth, and bury it without embalming chemicals.

  2. Here is another green funeral movement that stores ashes in biodegradable urns. The urns are then buried and a tree is planted on the top, allowing the human remains to give life to the tree. Perfect definition of life after death. https://www.capsulamundi.it/en/project/

  3. Body composting can help reduce the carbon footprint of the death care industry. It turns bodies into nutrient-dense soil, which you can use in gardens and forests. The process also sounds more humane and comforting for the loved ones. Check out this video here of a body composting facility in the US https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LJSEZ_pl3Y

  4. Cremation releases CO2 and other harmful gases in the air, while traditional burial takes up space and releases embalming products into the soil. Greener funeral options that have less harmful or even beneficial impact on the environment is the future of the death care industry.