16 links have been added on 5 ideas about #belief.
  1. While we may disagree about which laws should be enacted, we all have a set of laws we would want to see the government pursue and enforce. If any of us were given the chance to be President, we would inevitably have some set of behaviors we would prefer and a set of laws and policies we would attempt to advance. The fact we are upset that God would also have similar desires is ultimately a bit ironic.

  2. It is quite likely they’d be capable of some aggression, as this kind of behaviour is generally favoured by natural selection, at least here on Earth. After all, a species that cannot fight to defend itself or hunt is less likely to develop the capacity for exploring the unknown and taking the risks of space travel.

  3. “We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet,” Stephen Hawking said in 2010. He has compared meeting aliens to Christopher Columbus meeting Native Americans: “That didn’t turn out so well,”

  4. SHHHHH ! More alarming is the possibility that alien civilizations are remaining out of contact because they know something: that sending out signals is catastrophically risky. Our history on Earth has given us many examples of what can happen when civilizations with unequal technology meet — generally, the technologically more advanced has destroyed or enslaved the other. A cosmic version of this reality might have convinced many alien civilizations to remain silent. Exposing yourself is an invitation to be preyed upon and devoured.

  5. Ahh, no. Jesus was a Jew, probably the worst Jew when you consider what he did to the religion. He even stole things and didn’t feel bad about it or ask for forgiveness. He didn’t follow himself and was not without sin. Not the type of sin his followers would have recognized anyways. Think again.

  6. You can sin. You just need to realise it may land you in damnation.

  7. Agreed, and there are plenty of reasons for that. i highly recommend this book.

  8. nice idea but no. it depends on what you mean by “believe”. You could believe that a higher power exists, but don’t put your faith into it.

  9. Genius – Nietzsche portrays Christ as an anti-establishment upsetter of the order of power. You know, Trump of yesteryear 😉

  10. There aren’t ten! there are hundreds. They just kept tacking them on to get folk to do what they wanted.

    “And there is no agreement on which ten of the many are “the” ten. The phrase “ten commandments” appears in Exodus 34 and in Deuteronomy 10, which is a reference, but not a list. The strange thing is that the line about Moses writing on the (new) tablets “the ten commandments” is preceded by a list of totally different orders, such as “you shall keep the feast of the unleavened bread”. The familiar list is given earlier in Exodus 20, except that it is never there called “the Ten Commandments” and there is no mention of tablets until 11 chapters and 600-some commandments later.”

  11. Agreed, starting with “Be open-minded and be willing to alter your beliefs with new evidence.” (Jeremy Jimenez) and ending with “Leave the world a better place than you found it. (Maury McCoy)”. Christians wouldn’t like this though why? “Love not the Earth, for the Earth shall pass”, idiots.