16 links have been added on 6 ideas about #anarchy.
  1. Class struggle and Class war unite!

    “Andrew Fisher is facing calls for his expulsion after a tweet emerged in which he appeared to back the Class War general election candidate over Labour in Croydon South.”

  2. Mickey

    Class war of olde….

    Eat the rich is an abbreviation of a saying attributed to Jean-Jacques Rousseau: “When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they’ll eat the rich”. ‘Eating the rich’ happens, literally, when the Masters or the Landlords are very stingy, grumpy, and inhumane to their servants.

  3. “Over the last few decades we have seen an unrelenting class struggle ‘from above’, with neoliberal transformation generating staggering levels of inequality and marginalisation. These processes have been backed by authoritarian states and the widespread deployment of violence.”

  4. The Catholic Church holds the view of natural law introduced by Albertus Magnus and elaborated by Thomas Aquinas, particularly in his Summa Theologiae, and often as filtered through the School of Salamanca.

  5. most lawless countries – give it a try if you fancy your chances!

  6. The Universe was totally lawless for all forms of life until… God created the first rule that was broken by Adam and Eve. “You can eat from all the trees in the garden, but you cannot eat from the tree in the middle of the garden. If you do you will die”. The rest is history!

  7. The first rule in politics is that there are no rules, at least not in the sense of inevitable defeats or inevitable victories. If you have the right policy and the right strategy, you always have a chance of winning. Without them, you can lose no matter how certain the victory seems.

    Tony Blair (Sociopath/Warlord)