Sweatshop job role reversals
Companies that want to improve their image sign up to a scheme that forces their chiefs/managers do the work of their staff for 1 day per month. This would give companies better insight into how their staff are treated and also how to improve efficiency.
Yep, as expected, currently this idea is just a gimmick that makes some managers feel better about themselves while they get a holiday from the pressure they face more towards the top.
Didn’t realise there was a series called undercover boss that looks into this. Though looks like it was a bit of a scam – would like to see Bezos peeing in a bottle to finish his shift like amazon workers are said to do.
reminds me of a set of answers I saw on Quora https://www.quora.com/If-you-and-your-boss-were-allowed-to-swap-roles-for-one-day-what-would-you-do
A friend of mine worked at EDF Energy a while back in the telesales department for around 19k per year – next to him was 3 guys who did the same job for around 90k per year.
How could this be? Well the well paid staff used to be senior management until a shakeup of the company structure meant that EDF couldn’t sack them or make them redundant, so they offered them alternative roles – for their existing salary.
The unexpected outcome to this was that their former colleagues at the top continued to rub shoulders with them and got a real insight into how to improve efficiency on the factory floor, it also made them see things in a more humble light, now that they knew that working at the bottom of the pile showed them what sales goals were realistic and which were just carrot and donkey techniques that did nothing but to alienate their core staff.
This was an accidental discovery, but more large companies would benefit from doing a job swap once in a while so people at all levels get to know the pressures and strains of work at both the top and the bottom.