4 links have been added on this idea.
  1. Munch

    The chances of life and environment spontaneously organising into self-regulating states may be much higher than you would expect. If fact, given sufficient biodiversity, it may be extremely likely. But there is a limit to this stability. Push the system too far and it may go beyond a tipping point and rapidly collapse to a new and potentially very different state.

    Added on 2 ideasView all 2 ideas this link was added to.
  2. CC

    “Material genes were identified with gene tokens and informational genes with gene types … Continuity resides in the recursive representation of immortal pattern by ephemeral avatars …
    Darwinising Gaia’ would also have some political benefits. It might encourage us to look at nature as a coherent whole, with an evolutionary trajectory that we can foster or deflect as we choose. After all, we are already doing that, whether we realise it or not.”