Election crime – calculator and deselector
In the UK, a number of the “Leave Europe” Brexit campaign groups broke the laws by spending more than the allowed amount on political campaigning. This was only discovered and investigated after they had tilted the results in their favour. It caused the vote to be void however it was not overruled and a second vote scheduled.
Without any come-back on the illegal activities of those who were sneaky enough to ‘socially engineer’ the fate of the UK these criminals got away with it. Next time all sides are likely to cheat, knowing they will get away with it.
We need to ensure these groups never again cheat in order to win, so maybe a site that calculates their campaign spending budgets would trigger alarms to the authorities in a way that they could act before it is too late.
Yeah, they should have to submit their spend before election is called in order to qualify – or be disqualified. Cheating shouldn’t be rewarded in this case, its too important.
“Likewise, if the Commission’s incorrect interpretation of the law effectively allowed the official Leave Campaign to spend more than the official Remain campaign, then Remainers have significant grounds for grievance.
At the centre of all of this sit the Electoral Commission, who do seem to have blundered. There have been some loud calls for a serious shake up there from both sides of this quarrel today, and I have some sympathy for that.”
£61,000 = the cost of rigging a referendum. Not a bad deal.
Tips on how to split your campaign budget between different groups in order not to break campaign spending limit laws.