Collective Consciousness – together, we know the answers
Love this idea, watch this:
by Nodger Jul 7, 2024 4 Comments 4 Links
#invention, #knowledge, #life, #philosophy, #science, #wisdom,
by ChrisP May 19, 2024 5 Comments 5 Links
#education, #freeeducation, #knowledge, #opensourcelearning, #school,
Expertise is overrated, what makes us strong is diversity. This idea reflects this through and through. I guess in some realms, its an accurate description of what’s really going on.
I heard about this in the video. It started a whole new load of speculation about statistics and prediction… “At a 1906 country fair in Plymouth, 800 people participated in a contest to estimate the weight of a slaughtered and dressed ox. Statistician Francis Galton observed that the median guess, 1207 pounds, was accurate within 1% of the true weight of 1198 pounds.”
Linking to the video mentioned in the idea. It’s by legend in the making: thoughty2.
Interesting. I guess the law of averages has been debunked plenty enough by now, things don’t even out at all, and you never know where you may end up.