7 links have been added on 2 ideas about #nazi.
  1. That idea is sort of dealt with here, have a look https://ideamill.info/there-is-no-highest-pitch-in-music/

  2. This version of The Scientist by Coldplay is said to be better than the one at 440. I can’t hear the difference (consciously) but some research says otherwise…

    “432 Hz gives a greater clarity than 440 Hz, there’s less need to play music in 432 Hz as loud as in 440 Hz. This means less hearing damage, as long as you put the volume not too high. It’s known that, for example, 90 dB gives hearing damage after 8 hours. Further there’s also less noise pressure with 432 Hz.”

  3. Hmm, sounds like this guy has adjusted more settings than just the frequency as I hear a totally different sound, maybe its a joke. I can’t tell.

  4. This article says its a conspiricy, but nah. Its just not tuned up to anything that really matters, our brains, the earth or the cosmos. Like the idea of trying to change it though, see where you get with that…