Trade embargos with ...Trade embargos with countr...Follow
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  1. 23% of all homeless people are children – Our world sucks ass. We have had plenty enough time to sort this out in each and every country. Not going to happen.

  2. You would be missing a lot of trade if you did this. Problem is that it’s tolerated. From wiki “Street children can be found in a large majority of the world’s famous cities, with the phenomenon more prevalent in densely populated urban hubs of developing or economically unstable regions, such as countries in Africa, South America, Eastern Europe, and Southeast Asia.”

  3. Good idea, plus make when they fix their ways and you start to trade with them again, increase the tariff and donate a share of it to Save the Children – an publicise it, they should be ashamed.

    Added on 5 ideasView all 5 ideas this link was added to.
  4. Hey babies, if you don’t like America… Get the hell out, somehow.