8 links have been added on 4 ideas about #quantummechanics.
  1. PBS Spacetime is always the best place to get an understanding of our faulty understanding of quantum mechanics. Watch this. the mystery is far from over and like Dirac indicated, new ideas are here needed. Lets hope the next generation will solve this for us as its been annoying some very clever people for well over a century now.

  2. There is a good explanation of the idea here. Worth a read for those still perplexed by God playing dice. “To de Broglie, the double-slit experiment didn’t require an abstract, mysteriously collapsing wave function. Instead, he conceived of a real particle riding on a real pilot wave. The particle passes like driftwood through one slit or the other in the double-slit screen, even as the pilot wave passes through both. On the other side, the particle goes where the two wavefronts of the pilot wave constructively interfere and doesn’t go where they cancel out. “

  3. Penrose thinks that there is some real, physical “collapse” of a quantum superposition as objects grow big enough for gravity to become a significant part of the picture. Therefore: quantum mechanics might break down when confronted with gravity – when objects get big enough to “feel” significant gravitational force – so quantum mechanics needs modifying or reinterpreting.