12 links have been added on 4 ideas about #healthcare.
  1. It isn’t called alternative or even alternate medicine, it is an alternative to medicine, so it is correctly called complimentary medicine. It may or may not help, but it still gets the name medicine, urr, somehow.

  2. Sorry to let you know, but you have been paying for this for the last few years. Not sure when the public asked for it, or if it just seemed a good idea for a bunch of ladies that like this stuff and need a job.

  3. Treatments like acupuncture can help relieve the symptoms of chemotherapy. What’s wrong with that? Read on before you judge others and what you assume they want for free.

  4. Do you mean so other people can pay for your massage and reflexology sessions? I don’t think so. Read and learn why this is not a good idea. Sorry.

  5. Tesla should make general robots like this for all types of uses in the home, factory or lab. Musk might just do it.