20 links to products have been added on 16 ideas about #bicycle.
  1. There are skiing helmets featuring vacuum autofit technology on the market. I hope they can make some for motorcycle riders and other sports soo.

  2. This foldable bike helmet easily fits into a bag, making it easy to carry.

  3. Not entirely plastic bicycles, but you can buy replacement wheels made of plastic materials.

  4. This looks awesome, you don’t even need the helmet.

  5. I have the Plixi, they are a great idea, but expensive to be fair.

  6. Better idea may be to incorporate it with the vest – hit something on the glove and both indicate which way you intend to turn.

  7. Looking at one on Amazon – but why don’t they use the entire back wheel as a battery – such a wasted opportunity to give them longer lasting power.